Author Archive: veteransforpeacech46

Political Organizing for Peace and Social Justice

Veterans for Peace Ch. 46 Monterey and the Veterans Organization at The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey are hosting the second forum in a series of talks related to peace and social justice.

The Honorable Sam Farr is the speaker. This event is open to the public & free of charge.

Sam Farr speaker flyer_final

Women March & Rally


MLK Jr. Day Celebration, March & Program


Upcoming Events

Monday, January 16, 2017
Dr. Martin Luther King Day
March and Program
in Seaside

 11 am, Assemble for the March at Noche Buena & Obama Way
1 pm, Program begins
at Oldemeyer Center
986 Hilby Ave, Seaside CA
Contact: Alice Jordan 899-3391


Friday, January 20, 2017
Rally for Unity & Equality
Presence:  12:00 noon – 4:00 pm
Rally & March:  4:00 – 6:00 pm
Window on the Bay, Monterey
(more details to follow) 


Saturday, January 21, 2017
Rally:  Standing Up for Justice and Equality
Salinas (location tbd)
12 noon-2:00 pm
(more details to follow) 

US Peace Memorial

Veterans For Peace


2016 Peace Prize

The US Peace Memorial Foundation has awarded its 2016 Peace Prize to Veterans For Peace “In recognition of heroic efforts to expose the causes and costs of war and to prevent and end armed conflict.”

Michael Knox, Chair of the Foundation, presented the award on August 13 at the Veterans For Peace national convention banquet, held at the University of California, Berkeley.  In his remarks, Knox said, “Thank you, Veterans For Peace, for your tireless antiwar work, creativity, and leadership.  Your organization is an inspiration to peace loving people throughout the world.”

The Peace Prize was accepted by Michael McPherson, Veterans For Peace Executive Director; Barry Ladendorf, President of the Board of Directors; and by Doug Rawlings, a VFP Founder, to loud applause from an audience of about 400.

President Ladendorf commented, “For 31 years, Veterans For Peace has been the only veterans organization that has consistently led the peace movement in an effort to abolish war, eventually eliminate nuclear weapons, expose the real costs of war, stand in solidarity with veterans and victims of war, and to keep our nation from interfering overtly and covertly into the affairs of other nations.  This award is a great honor for Veterans For Peace and is a testament to the foresight, wisdom and dedication of our founders and to the thousands of VFP members worldwide who have led us in our non-violent struggle for a peaceful world.  We are indeed grateful and honored to receive the 2016 US Peace Memorial Foundation Peace Prize.”

See photos and full details at:

In addition to receiving our highest honor, the 2016 Peace Prize, Veterans For Peace has been designated a Founding Member of the US Peace Memorial Foundation.  They join previous Peace Prize recipients Kathy F. Kelly, CODEPINK Women for Peace, Chelsea Manning, Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, and Cindy Sheehan.

Distinguished Americans and nationally prominent U.S. organizations that were also nominated and considered for the award this year include Center for Global Nonkilling, Lynn M. Elling, Colman McCarthy, and Psychologists for Social Responsibility.  You can read about the antiwar/peace activities of all recipients and nominees in our publication, the US Peace Registry.

The US Peace Memorial Foundation directs a nationwide effort to honor Americans who stand for peace by publishing the US Peace Registry, awarding an annual Peace Prize, and planning for the US Peace Memorial in Washington, DC.  These projects help move the United States toward a culture of peace by honoring the millions of thoughtful and courageous Americans and U.S. organizations that have taken a public stand against one or more U.S. wars or who have devoted their time, energy, and other resources to finding peaceful solutions to international conflicts.  We celebrate these role models to inspire other Americans to speak out against war and to work for peace.

Please help us continue this important work.  Have your name permanently associated with peace by joining the list of individuals, organizations, and Peace Prize recipients who are Founding Members.  Founding Members are listed on our website, in our publication the US Peace Registry, and eventually at the US Peace Memorial.

If you haven’t yet become a Founding Member or made your 2016 contribution, please do so today!  Thank you very much for your support.

Lucy, Charlie, Jolyon, and Michael
Board of Directors

The IRS has determined that US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by U.S. law.  A receipt will be provided.

Copyright 2016, US Peace Memorial Foundation, Inc.

YouTube video

Christmas Truce of 1914

Christmas Truce of 1914
In December 1914, German soldiers came out of their trenches on the Western Front to greet fellow soldiers from England and France in ‘no-man’s land.’  They had much in common, many had traveled to each others countries and spoke their languages.
For a few days, more than 100,000 soldiers ceased fire to exchange gifts, chocolates, cigarettes, and show each other family pictures.  They played volleyball and soccer together, lit candles around the trenches and sang carols around improvised Christmas trees.  The fraternization gave soldiers time to remove wounded and dead comrades from the battlefield.
The spontaneous celebration stunned military commanders and captivated the world.  Headlines celebrated the camaraderie of courageous soldiers who days before had been killing each other. In the midst of a war — which became known as the Great War and The War to End All Wars — common soldiers showed
their humanity and respect for their foes.  Why were their political and military leaders ordering them to kill each other?
On December 6, Monterey Chapter 46 of VFP remembered the Christmas Truce of 1914 with a social and educational gathering at a local restaurant for members, family and friends of VFP.  Chapter 46 will host similar educational events in 2017 promoting peace and exposing the true costs of war.
YouTube video:

Chapter Officers:

Phil Butler, President

Tom Lee, Vice President

Dan Turner, Treasurer

Mike Dempsey, Recording Secretary

Jack Erickson, Operations Coordinator

Alejandro Quinones, Out Reach Coordinator

Roland Fletcher, Co Founder; Former President & Vice President

Future Event


2016 VFP National Convention

2016 VFP National Convention

A Just and Sustainable Future for the World’s Children

Veterans For Peace 31st Annual Convention
Clark Kerr Campus of UC Berkeley
in Berkeley CA
2601 Warring Street
Thursday, August 11 –
Monday, August 15, 2016
A Just and Sustainable Future for the
World’s Children

Confirmed Speakers

Ann Jones -Keynote Banquet Speaker
Andrew Bacevich
Helen Caldicott
Antonia Juhasz
Oliver Stone  – Friday Night Keynote
Roy Scranton
Rhodessa Jones-Friday Night MC

Hosting Chapter: San Francisco CA, Chapter 69

Berkeley, California is the place to be in August when the 2016 VFP National Convention is held on the Clark Kerr campus of UC Berkeley. Plenty of housing is available at this park like school in the heart of a very exciting city. The convention will run from Thursday August 11 to Monday August 15, a different arrangement than most years so please take note. Chapter 69 and the members of all the Northern California chapters look forward to seeing you.  

Monthly Meetings

3:oopm, second  Friday of the month

Monterey Peace & Resources Center

1364 Fremont Blvd,

Seaside, California 93955